Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Why the University Closed Today

At 5:48 AM, University officially cancelled classes. They'll be open tomorrow. That's OK. I only have one class.

Opened my screen door this morning (noonish) to find this:

Yes, that's snow inside my screen door.

Out the back, on the deck, looking NW.

Out the back, on the deck, looking NE.

Down the back walk—Mom's car (mine, now, I guess).

My poor abandoned Sunfire.

Out the front door, looking SE.

Across the street. Note the pile by the garage.

Out the front door, looking SW. Note the gutter ripping away from the house toward the end, and the drift height compared to the iron bench.

Out the front door looking SE. Those spiky things sticking up through the drift are Yucca leaves.

My snowplowing service arrived around 5 pm. Yep, that would have been "in time" enough to get me to a 9:30 AM class. *snort* We were upgraded to Level 3 again, then downgraded to Level 2. Toledo (20 minutes north) is at a standstill—they put them at Level 3 and actually closed the Mall! *shock* Toledo, like University, never shuts down.

Ah, well. We survived the storm, classes resume tomorrow, and all is well. Over here, anyway.


At 11:27 PM, February 14, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The snow looks lovely to me. Happy Valentine's Day!


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