Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Hoard Any Good Yarn Lately?

So the stranded colorwork has been laid aside until I forget how upset it made me. In its stead, I finished the Waving Laces, started a pair of Embossed Leaves (same book) with the Araucania #310 (OMG is it pretty, I know, photos soon, it's dark out now), did a couple of rows on the CPH ribbing while debating whether or not to rip it out and reconfigure it for steeks except that requires actually reading Eunny's steeking tutorial, casting on a swatch and practicing first plus the whole frogging thing...

Oh, and I got the doors to the yarn closet to shut.

FINALLY!!! I have made goal.

What I did not do was pull out all the yarn and photograph the stash. I should have. But as I could not even turn around in there until it was all put away, trying to take pictures was out of the question. Another day.

I also realized I have a serious problem. It's not just the yarn. I already knew I had a yarn problem. But I also have... a fabric problem.

All of my sewing projects are in one bin now. They were at the time of purchase stored with notions and sometimes patterns in individual zippered baggies. The baggies have been put inside a bin.

The bin is a 96-QUART bin. It is about 4 feet long, one foot wide, and a foot deep. Like a mini-coffin.


Of "future western shirts", "future vests" and "future tunics". Some of the fabric I bought when I was doing alterations.

That was 1997.


OK, I admit it!

Hello, my name is Jeanne, and I am a hoarder.

No, not "whore"—HOARder. TWO syllables.

I hoard yarn. I hoard fabric. I hoard books. I probably hoard cats, too, but at least they can't stack up like the other stuff does (or can they?).

Let's be honest. When one has every room crammed full of stuff (mine and my parents'), has two sheds and a deck room, and still has to pay for another large room to store stuff in, one has too much stuff.

I gotta have a yarn sale or something.

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At 8:23 PM, October 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you quilt, it's a lot easier to use up a BIG chunk of fabric than it is to use a big chunk of yarn (and faster too....) :)

At 8:52 PM, October 09, 2007, Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

I'm a hoarder, too. I need to believe that I will someday get around to making all those dresses (Gunny Sax...I doubt it) or knit all those sweaters (Fun Fur...I was new to knitting. I didn't know any better) Maybe it's time to let it goooooo...

At 11:17 AM, October 10, 2007, Blogger Karen said...

Idea #1: Donate! You can write it off on your taxes! :-)

Idea #2: Yard Sale. One's junk is another's treasure.

At 3:49 PM, October 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trying not to be a hoarder myself.

On another note, I just finished a stranding project myself and it's too small!!! Argh.


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