Saturday, February 23, 2008


Happy Birthday, Dad.

No, I didn't forget. I just couldn't bring myself to type this earlier... and I was distracted by the news that a friend's grandma chose this as her day to depart the planet. But I've remembered. All day.

Today, you would have been 90 years old. How I wish you were here to celebrate it with me. I remember how surprised you were when you reached 88. You said with a look of wonder, "I'm eighty-eight! GOSH! I made it!"

You were fresh out of the nursing home, of course, having recovered from your fall, and we all gamely shuffled over to the steakhouse for dinner. Conversation was slight, though, because nobody could hear a thing. Chuckling at that.

In your casket, there is a birthday card from me for every year until you are 100. I wonder which one was for this year?

We miss you here up top. Or, I do. I can't speak for the others. I'm still up top but I get the feeling they don't miss me at all. Oh, well. OK, not to be a bummer...

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I remembered. And that I miss you, every day, and love you more than anything. Say hi to Mom for me.

Your daughter



At 8:34 AM, February 25, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My father's birthday was last week the 19th. He would have been 95. A good friend of my also lost her dad on that day last week. It brings it all back, fresh. I feel for her, and you, so much. Keep the love....

At 6:30 PM, February 25, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved that you've included a card for him for every birthday 'til 100. I'm sure they're both watching over you and am glad that you're thinking of them.

At 9:09 AM, March 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The birthday cards --- What a cool thing to do!


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