Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vote for Me

Good gosh, I gone and done it.

I've entered two talent contests. One is local, one is national (eep!).

I've entered under my stage name*, Jaytee Minton.

The local one is being hosted by the newspaper (The Toledo Blade Battle of the Bands). The prize is opening for American Idol's Bo Bice when he performs in town in August. Here's my Blade Battle page. Voting starts in four days. (I'll remind you.)

The national one is the Next GAC Star Music Talent Contest, put on by the Great American Country TV channel. Fans get to vote for their favorites, and industry pros vote for theirs, and one winner from each goes onto the next round. Kind of like an online American Idol/Nashville Star for country musicians. Here are the deets from their site:
  • The weekly voting starts on May 23 and runs through July 21. Every week two semi-finalists will be selected – one fan voted and the other selected by our industry staff… 16 semi-finalists in all.
  • Our panel of celebrity judges will then narrow the field of 16 semi-finalists down to six finalists who will fly to Nashville for the televised competition in September.
  • The Next GAC Star winner will be selected by fan voting during the GAC televised finals!
Here is the link to my GAC Contest page. To vote, look to the right of my picture, there's a grey box that says "The Next GAC Star—Vote Now". Click on that. Of the three songs I've posted, the official entry is "Otherwise". The way it works is that you listen to two songs go "head to head" and click the "I Prefer This One" button for the one you prefer (or if you like/dislike them equally, hit the "Equal" button). So be patient—it might take a few cycles before I come up. I'll love you forever if you ride it out!

I just checked my page... and I'm astonished. I just entered last night, and my ranking is 78th. One of the artists I checked out is at 290th (that's a LOT of competitors!). It would blow my mind... anyway, GO VOTE! :-)

*Why the stage name? Well... once upon a time it was the 80s, and everyone adopted a weird name (Nikki Sixx, Blackie Lawless) and because it was more difficult then for females to be taken seriously, I went unisex and it progressed from J. Tyler B---- [my last name] to JT B---- to JT Bewayre (uh, 80s) to JT Minton (grandma's maiden name) to Jaytee Minton because I hated seeing it written as J.T. or J. T.—it's not initials—so I spelled it out.

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At 12:30 AM, May 25, 2008, Blogger Twitchy Knitter said...

Your song is truly beautiful. Quite moving...

At 9:36 AM, May 26, 2008, Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. I knew you were talented and all... But, wow.

Just be glad I couldn't figure out a way to sneak that onto Itunes and steal your royalties right out from under you. ;)


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