Two Years, Dad
Wednesday, June 7, 2006, 3:31 PM, my beloved mysterious Dad left this earth. I wrote a long journal entry about how I feel today, but... not much I haven't already written here about the day he died.Except that I realized that when he was alive, it always felt like everything was going to be OK, no matter what happened... but since he died, it hasn't felt like that anymore.
In fact, some days I wonder if it will EVER be OK again.
Reminder, if you comment and don't hear from me, it's because of the pesky no-reply@blogger issue and because my old Mail Program is still whacked out and some of your return email addresses are inaccessible right now. So if you have MY email addy, email me so I'll have yours—then I can stop appearing to be so rude.
::big hugs:: I know what a hard time this is for you. Loss pretty much changes everything. It all becomes a whole new reality. For what it's worth, I really think you are doing OK. More than OK. And I think your dad would be rather proud of all you do.
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