Thank Yous
It has occurred to me today that I usually sit here and go on and on about myself without thinking too much about the person on the other end reading this drivel. ;-) So I'd like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to my readers, for being my readers and therefore my friends whom I've never met IRL (yet). I don't always get to respond to your comments in person because of Blogger's annoying little "no-reply@" email address but I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to visit this blog and read my words. I also enjoy reading your blogs very much and gaining insights into your lives.So, there it is. Thank you for being a friend... in a time in my life when I have never felt lonelier (after losing my parents), you've made all the difference. When my Mother died, I thought, who is going to listen to me yak on and on like she did? And then came you. My blogfriends. Bloggers and their readers are amazing people. Who would have thunk it, that a medium would come along that allowed complete strangers to pour out their souls for anyone to read? And that these online journals would become fascinating to the readers?
I'm grateful for blogs, and for Ravelry (which if you believe the small bit of negative hype means I've joined the ranks of the *snort* "elite" upon getting my invite), and for all the wonderful networking centers that allow us to truly connect with one another.
It makes all the difference.
In other news, today was basically a complete blow-off day. Apparently the Universe decided that's what I needed, and I enjoyed a day up in Toledo that was blessedly free from estate worries, bills, fires to be put out, and cleaning/organizing. Today was all about pampering.
My hairstylist is starting a side business at the salon doing facials. Since I design her business cards and other promotional stuff (bartering is so great), and since she needed to practice on a few models before doing it for real, I got my very first honest-to-gosh facial today and let me tell you.
It was unbelievably awesome.
It lived up to the hype, and it took years off my face! I'm usually skeptical but it was free, so... well, I'm hooked. That does it. Every 45-60 days, I plan to do this. First, my face was cleansed, then sprayed with a moisturizer thingie that helps the moisture absorb better. Then I got a honey and almond oil scrub which smelled like cookie dough—yum! That was followed by a facial massage with some other oil, then acupressure points were addressed (Reiki?). It was the weirdest thing—when she pressed on the sides of my nose just under the eyebrows, warmth coursed through my body. When she pressed into my temples, it felt like cool refreshing water draining from my head down through my arms. Weird. But really relaxing.
Then I got an ice-cold seaweed mask complete with eye thingies. While that dried (mummified me), I got a neck and shoulder massage, then a hand and arm stretch and massage. Then more cleansing and spraying of the face.
That worry wrinkle that is perpetually there between my eyebrows? GONE. I look like I had Botox or something! The lines around my mouth? GONE. The pain in my fingers? GONE.
I wish I could have my entire body done.
All day, I've felt completely at peace, relaxed, happy, and that frown line won't come back no matter what. My completely non-complimentary male friend (her brother) who always says "Don't expect a compliment because I don't believe in blowing sunshine up people's @$$es" took one look and did a double take. He said "you DO look younger. Or maybe just not worried."
It's worth the money to do this, I believe. I told my stylist today, "I'm practicing for when I'm rich and can do this every day." Yep, that and a mani-pedi and I'll be living the G... L... A... M... O... R... O U S....
After that, I went to her brother's to pick up my recording equipment that he'd had for about a year but used twice. Then I went to the LYS to pick up my double treadle kit for the spinning wheel (yay) and somehow a gorgeous hank of Mango Moon one-of-a-kind-colorway recycled sari yarn fell into the bag.
I had a good three hours of downtime between that and the weaver's guild meeting, so I beat the heat at Michael's (some yarn is on clearance for two bucks so there was minor S.E.X.), chatted with the salesladies about the Beatles Tribute concert this weekend, then treated myself to some Indian food at my favorite restaurant (been going there since 1985). The leftovers went into an Igloo that I'd been wise enough to grab from my old house nearby, and then I went to the meeting. And now I'm home, enjoying my Notoxed completely-relaxed face and the wonders of A/C.
It's time to sit with the cats for awhile before hitting the hay. It was a good day today. I hope this is a harbringer of days to come. This is the good life. This is how we are meant to live.
Labels: gratefulness, musings, spinning, stash enhancement
Oh man, now I wish I got a facial instead of yarn!
No, wait. I still want the yarn. But I want a facial toooooo! And my feet have been screaming for a pedi for months now...I will get one soon. My pinky toe hates me right now because it's so ugly looking, lol.
Oh, that facial sounds heavenly! I have a bit of the tactile defensiveness and am not usually a fan of procedures that involve touching. But that sounds super-relaxing. And anything that takes away a worry-line has to be good!!!
I think we all deserve to do stuff like that on a regular basis. Good job taking care of "you!"
What a great day! My one and only facial was so relaxing that I fell asleep.
Hooray for good days like that. LOVIN' that facial, it sounds absolutely fabulous!!!!
Thank you too!
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